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I lul at stereotypical thinking which blossoms here. If it's common thing of Sony fans, then it's no wonder the company is unable to establish new IPs and is forced to rely on milking the same old stuff, it's just their userbase. Or you hurt too much for review scores? No career is complaint? Well, from what I heard the game has LOTS of cars and tracks. If so, why would I need a career? To open all of 700 cars? On go? Seriously? This is exactly why PSP lacks appeal as a game platform, because its game library is broken, the games are not played on go. You may call it `hardcore` or whatever.

And while I'm not crazy about GT at all, I think this is first right thing they did on PSP for a long time. You just pick up whatever car and track you are in the mood for at the moment, do some drivinf for a few spare minutes, and then log off. This is exactly the definition of handheld gaming, what's up with that? The real problem with GT is that it's simply no fun, but it's so regardless if it has "career" or if it doesn't.