LordTheNightKnight said: twesterm said: LordTheNightKnight said: I wrote "expensive and hard work", the former you still seem to insist.
And the fact that the PS3 and 360 are HD, and the Wii is SD is relevant to the point, since that relates to the general power of the systems to each other.
Plus we know the Wii has so much power. It's the MONEY AND WORK thing that I'm calling you out on. |
I know you're calling me out on money and work and I keep telling you why it does in fact cost a lot of money and work and even give you reasons. Those aren't reasons, as you refuse to acknowledge those obstacles are NOT UNIQUE to downgraded ports. If they appear in other downgraded ports, but don't make them cost more than is worth the effort, then they won't do the same to RE5. You just keep insisting that engines automagically do everything and don't give any counter reasons. I didn't state they did "everything". I wrote "half the work". And I don't have to tell you why a game engine does half the work. Just look up the Game Engine page on wikipedia, and follow some of the links there for more info. Why do you think developers have been scooping up the Unreal 3 Engine? For fun? -edit- And you're still the only one talking about HD and SD which I haven't touched other than saying I'm not even factoring that in. I'm simply talking general power of the machines and what they can do and can do in conjunction with everything else. Something simply has to give. Im using HD vs SD as a shorthand for the 360 and PS3 vs the Wii. |
First off, I know you've looked up what a game engine is and what they do but have you ever actually used one? Like a real one (not something like RPG Maker)? Developers use things like the UE3 engine because it saves them money from having to create their own and it's a good engine. It doesn't do half the work, I really don't know where you got that. Pick up an engine like UT2k4, Radiant, Hammer, whatever 3D one you choose, and work in it for a while.
I also never really said these obstacles were unique, they are in fact something you see in creating a *gasp* new game or even a sequel. With something like RE4 they didn't have to nearly that work and only needed a small team of programmers and artists. With moving something like RE5 to the Wii you need a full team and a full development cycle.
As for the HD/SD, I see, just different terminology.