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At $1.00 Plus per game play (for decent games), I don't see anything bringing back the arcade. When I was a kid you could play any game in the arcade for .25 you could take $10 bucks and play for a long time. Now that same $10 might get you 30 minutes if your lucky. So kids now days think why bother and just go buy a game for their console of choice.

I like the idea of Sega coming back. I just don't see this as a wise choice unless they can keep the price per game at a Quarter. My local Arcade is a baron waste land. It doesn't even have a custodian in it to make sure the games are running and to give back change. Sad really :( I had so much fun there growing up.

"If you've got them by the balls their hearts and minds will follow."

Quote by- The Imortal John Wayne, the original BADASS!