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Ugh, so many quotes and too tired to deal with so many quotes so just lumping everything into one.

1) Level editing features are indicative of what the engine can do actually. In a game like Quake 4 (not so sure about Quake 3 as I haven't used that version of Radiant much) it uses just about everything whatever version of Radiant it uses can do. There are a few Doom 3 features it doesn't use but all in all, it shows off what the engine can do. The point of releasing a game with an engine is to show off just what the engine can do so people will want to buy it or even lease it.

Anyways, my point is that Capcom has more than likely updated their engine from the one used from RE4 and simply putting RE5 into the RE4 engine would not work.

2) I do assume that RE5:Wii would use the same control scheme as RE4:Wii with minor adjustments. The RE4:Wii control scheme was great but not perfect and RE5 may in fact have new features that weren't in RE4. Even small adjustments to control schemes take a good deal of time to implement and test.

As for assessing the difficulty, there is a difference between the two control schemes and having the Wii controls makes it much easier. I don't believe that they adjusted the difficulty for RE4:Wii because they didn't expect it to do as well as it did. With RE5:Wii, they would know it would probably do better and it would be worth it to look into addressing the difficulty.

3) Engines can scale textures but they cannot scale models. The thing is though those textures they have are not meant to be scaled and who knows how good they look when they are scaled (probably bad). Chances are, a good majority of them would have to be remade.

As for an engine scaling models (as in poly's, not model size), please show me an engine that does that.

4) I know the Wii can do dynamic lighting, but it is expensive on any system. There are already many things in RE5 that would push the Wii hardware beyond its limits and dynamic lighting would just be another thing.

5) Just like dynamic lighting, things like cloth tech are VERY expensive and the Wii can't handle it and still have a decent amount of things on screen. Cloth tech probably isn't something too important, but if you compare not having it and having it (which people would do) it would be noticed. With a game like Guitar Hero or Madden, people can forgive graphical differences but it would be much harder with a game like RE5 that is all about the mood.

6) Remember, you're not talking to some Wii hating Sony fanboy, I love the Wii and think it is an incredible system so I do in fact know it is stronger than the GC. That said, it can only do so much and have so much on screen at a time. It can't handle the number of enemies and do their AI for the amount of enemies on screen that RE5 has.

7) By play space I mean the level. These levels are so big with so many objects in them and they are built for the 360/PS3. The developers keep placing things, effects, lighting, and whatever else they can so they can get as much as possible without hurting framerate. Also, from what I've seen there are A LOT of open spaces in this game and that just makes even more of a problem. The Wii simply cannot handle these spaces that were optimized for the 360/PS3 and they would have to be redesigned so they could do vis and the mood and immersion would be affected because you just can't have as many things.

With RE4 at least it was in the woods and draw distances weren't a problem, it could be more of a problem with RE5.

8) When I say scale down models I really don't know what you mean by the engines do half the work. I really don't think you don't know what you're talking about. Engines are not some magical thing that automagically make everything work for the given system. They cannot scale down model size.

Luckily, it's not hard to scale down a model but textures would have to be redone and the models would have to be unwrapped again. You would just scale down the texture but with something as important as character models that just wouldn't be an option.

9) I don't think going from HD to SD is going to make that hard, actually, I never even mentioned HD and SD because it really doesn't matter. What matters is that the 360 and PS3 have so much power and the Wii has so much power. There are only so many things all three machines can do at once and the Wii cannot compete with those systems. Once again, don't take this as a knock on the Wii because it isn't, it's just simple fact.

10) I've seen those interviews and I know what they said. Just because someone says something could happen or some option hasn't been ruled out doesn't mean it's going to happen. One of the dumbest things you can do is back yourself in a corner and take away your options and they are just leaving doors open. If for some reason, as unlikely as it is, they every do decide to completely remake RE5 for the Wii, they don't have to go back on their word.

I'm not saying RE5 can't happen, I'm just saying it's not worth the money. The money spent making RE5: Wii would be comparable to a completely original product. It just makes more sense to make a new game for the Wii that wouldn't be seen as the inferior version in every way except for the control scheme.

Oh, and as for calling me ignorant because Capcom's resources are %100 tapped and that's why they aren't making the port, again, no. That just means they don't have the manpower at the moment to make another game, not we aren't making a port because we don't have manpower.

The gaming industry is about money and nothing else. RE4: Wii was worth it because it was an easy port (relative) and it was the definitive version. It had the GC art, the PS2 bonus content, widescreen support, and an amazing control scheme. In that case it was worth it to pay $30 for a two year old game. With RE5: Wii, it could have bonus content and the better control scheme, but everything else would be inferior along with it releasing at least two years later. It just isn't worth the money.

Also for all you people screaming we must have RE5:Wii!!!! remember that not every game has to be on every system. RE4:Wii may have had a brilliant control scheme but Capcom decided to make RE5 for the 360/PS3 and that's just how it is. All that proves is that it would actually be more than two years before we see RE5:Wii.