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KylieDog said:
marciosmg said:
Rainbird said:
marciosmg said:
I got all medals on Predator Challenges. Some were tricky, but not hard.

Now, the combat challenges on the other hand. I have 3 medals on 2, and 2 medals on another 2.

They are freaking annoying.

I know how you feel, 'Shock and Awe' is the worst map for me, but some of the Extreme versions are just ridicolous!

Yeah. I have 2 medals on Shock and Awe. The problem is that I cant get hit to get the 5000 bonus in the end.

I once got 22500. With the 5000 and bigger combos (cause if I wasnt hit the combo wouldnt have been broken) I totally would have 30000.

The worst is doing perfect on 3 rounds and getting hit on the 4th one.


You do not need the perfect knight bonus.


Just try and nail the first two rounds with a perfect freeflow combo on each and try to get a x9 variation bonus.


I would start with a instant batclaw followed by an instant batarang at one of the guys I git with a batclaw, usually having to immediatly counter hit, then jump/dodge, stun, punch x3 on different targets (the third being a critical and giving you a special), then use the X+square to grab a guy, throw him away from all other and immediatly hit R2 and triangle for a ground takedown (usually throw them far enough away to have the time for it) then some more punches/counters if needed until got another special and then do the triangle+ O grab move.


May have to mix that up slightly depending if any knife/stun rod guys, or if need counter.  Pretty much do that though and it is 5000 points for x9 variation bonus alone, never mind the freeflow combo bonus, dark knight bonus and points from the combo itself.  I think I once got 9500 in the first round alone.

I once got like 6800 on the first round.


9500? O_o. I will try but I usually get worried about losing the combo so I forget to use different moves.