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Rainbird said:
marciosmg said:
I got all medals on Predator Challenges. Some were tricky, but not hard.

Now, the combat challenges on the other hand. I have 3 medals on 2, and 2 medals on another 2.

They are freaking annoying.

I know how you feel, 'Shock and Awe' is the worst map for me, but some of the Extreme versions are just ridicolous!

Yeah. I have 2 medals on Shock and Awe. The problem is that I cant get hit to get the 5000 bonus in the end.

I once got 22500. With the 5000 and bigger combos (cause if I wasnt hit the combo wouldnt have been broken) I totally would have 30000.

The worst is doing perfect on 3 rounds and getting hit on the 4th one.