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totally agree jammy2211, by the time it reaches us over here in December all of the retailers will be fully aware of what it is and as a cheaper title that appeals to a whole family going into christmas I reckon it may just get to be some shops deal of the day etc.

I think it'll be picked upon quite well, also I noticed japans sales were almost double in week 2 with 11,000 than week 1. That also tells me that interest is on the incline there and it may just be around for a while, Phoenix Wright all over again.

Those people that think they're perfect give a bad reputation to us who are... 

"With the DS, it's fair to say that Nintendo stepped out of the technical race and went for a feature differentiation with the touch screen, but I fear that it won't have a lasting impact beyond that of a gimmick - so the long-lasting appeal of the platform is at peril as a direct result of that." - Phil Harrison, Sony