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shams said:
Kwaad said:

PS3, 2 box games, 3 download games.

PSP, 1 box game, 1 download game.

DS, about 7 games. (I've had it since launch day, and most of the games are actually my wifes)

Wii - 2 games.

You - 2 PS3 titles only? And only 1 PSP game? Why do I get the feeling that you aren't a big "gamer"?



Because he spends all his time posting remarks on forums instead of playing games on his beloved PS3?

Talking about waiting for all these cool games that are going to come out for the PS3 but then doesn't own them when they do come out... (I guess that says something about the PS3 demographic and the attach rate - or wait, does that say something about the PS3's lack of games?)

At least he's shown us something: That the Wii, despite being by far his most hated console, he owns an equal amount of games compared to (by far) his favorite console/religious effigy. If that doesn't illustrate the dearth of games on the PS3 compared to the wealth of titles for the Wii lineup, well...

Or maybe he's just a closet Nintendo fan - time to come out!