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Yes, this seems impossible at first thought.... However, let's look at the numbers!



Sold to date 51.27 million units

Hit extremely hard by piracy

Did manage to get quite a few million sellers so far though, and seems to be picking up pace recently

Need for speed most wanted sold 2.13 million on PSP so far (no other game to compare it too on psp really)

It's Gran Turismo baby, sales have always been epic for Sony on any platform



Sold to date 31.81 million units

Hit by piracy (not nearly as hard as the PSP though) and a bad rep due to hardwarefailures

Managed to have an impressive list of millionsellers

Previous game sold 4 million to date

Perhaps marginally outsold GT5 proloque at 3.21 mil? (comparison however should be taken with a grain of salt since GT5P was just a "demo" to many and digital sales are unknown)




According to a topic here ( Forza is roughly going to do 3-4 mil lifetime. With GT PSP being bundled with the new PSP GO I am predicting it will do that number (3 million) on bundles alone and I will add another 3 on top of that to make it 6 million lifetime. I also think the current numbers for Forza are highly optimistic, especially since their biggest market (NA) is currently stocking up on the PS3.


No flame wars please. Only argue with numbers!


PSN name: Gazz1979 (feel free to add me, but please put your Vgchartz name in the message!)

Battlefield 2: Gazz1979