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 I bought The Witcher yesterday. This game is unplayable in Vista even after the patch. Its an unmitagated crash fest. Corupted journals, menus, and random crashes to desktop abound. So vista owners don't even bother unless cdprojeckt releases a patch correcting these issues.

 Luckily My wife (bless her) finally managed to find our copy of XP pro which has been missing since we moved 2 years ago. No more Vista for me. :) I'm not far into the game yet but 0 crashes since changing to XP.

A few interesting things to note:

Vissually both Nvida Beta Vista drivers and current release approved Vista drivers are slightly prettier than the most up to date XP drivers.

Massive increse in framerate by switching to XP.

I never realized how slow Vista is to boot compared to XP.

 As to the game itself. I'm suprised at how much the dev's were able to get out of an engine as dated as Aroura is. Its quite beatiful environmetally leaps and bounds beyond NWN.  I doubt Bioware would even recognize its engine now. Production values are quite high. Voice talent ranges from good to fair I havent seen any bad yet. SO far the only negative i've seen was in the transition between the prolouge and chapter 1. Very abrubt. It made me feel as if i were playing a NWN 2 module instaed of a one off game.

 I'm not recomending it yet I 'm not far enough into it to tell how good it really is. I will say however if youve been itching to play something along the veins of Planescape Torment ot Betrayal at Krondor this might be your ticket.