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tres, event in london is most likely wiiware stuff and DSiware stuff. i believe theve done this before and thats where the infamous 'otaku' comment came from

also reggie said this at E3

IGN: We saw a bunch of games on your show floor that you didn't really highlight at your event. Titles like Line Attack Heroes. We didn't, however, see games like Trace Memory or Cosmic Walker. What's going on there?

Reggie: The interesting thing is that even though E3 is back into a larger footprint, this footprint here is about two thirds the size of our footprint in 2006. So that always forces us to make tough decisions about what we show. And even here today, I'm hearing that we have a line around our booth for Spirit Tracks for Zelda. We have more content than we're able to show in this type of space, which means that fall conferences that we hold here in Americas -- those take on more meaning to highlight some of the games that you mention.

IGN: So if a game isn't here, does that necessarily mean that it won't release this holiday?

Reggie: There are maybe some games that will still make it this year. A lot of it is how the final tuning in development goes. And again, anything like that we'll talk about in the fall.

so clearly nintendo were planning to have an event in the fall, maybe its been cancelled who knows. to me it seems more like shes talking about them not anouncing any more games for the holidays

 nintendo fanboy, but the good kind

proud soldier of nintopia