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One of the way I felt trophies where sold to me was that you could judge better using the different trophies, to what type of gamer the player was. Mostly bronze, the player only plays casually not going for the harder stuff. More gold the player does all the harder thing in the game to achieve.

This was meant to be better then the gamerscore of bigscore could equal many games, or many achivements in few games.

However most people have X5more bronze then even silver... So the only reason tests of if someone really plays a game thoroughly is if they have the platinum. As games bronze to silver to gold ratio is normally way off to the bronze and a lot of time some of those bronzes can be harder then golds inside the same game, a lot alone between different games.

MS have basically done the same as a platinum by putting any games with 100pc gamer-score at the top.

I feel like trophies and achievements should perhaps be something that pushes the player to do something out of the asking of say the normal games or make the player do something they wouldn't normally do, even if hard then they become fun.