selnor said: ^ Complete opposite for me. Every GT game has had either CGI or lots of extra effects that aren't in games. ( looks at GT3 and 4 big time, looked nothing like the gameplay. ) What I liked about Forza 3 is the confidence to sho the normal graphics. Looked so sweet. The detail in cars and scenery is extremly high. They weren't joking about textures. Amazing. |
oh, I see what you mean (like for example in GT5 E3 09 trailer)
but I was talking about the "art direction"
in GT1 when the screen go from white and black to colorfull it was phenomenal
I still preferred the GT5 trailer at E3 cause it was nicely rythmed and the environnement where great
(even if u never know what is "actual gameplay" from CGI)
Time to Work !