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I say the same as ever: Nintendo will not announce anything big outside of their conference. They can have made some mistakes, but they will never make the worst mistake they can do now: cutting the price just 2-3 weeks after the sony's and microsoft's ones. Their boost would be killed, and the media will say that the Wii is doomed (yes, more than now). If they want to improve (maybe not reaching their prediction, but increasing the sales) they'll do something at their October conference. And about the statement of Wii not selling beacuse of the lack of Software, it's true, but great games need a lot of time: they can continue releasing Wii ___ or something ofr casuals, but if you want Metroid, Zelda, Pikmin, Starfox or this type of games you need many years, especially beacuse some are developed by the same teams: a lot of game finished his developement in 2007, then those developers needed 2 years to make something else, without the right time they would have done just rubbish.

CURRENTLY PLAYING: Xenoblade (Wii), Super mario 3D land (3DS), Guild Wars (PC)