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czecherychestnut said:
For christ's sake its not hard to understand. Last week Batman-AA came out, causing sales to spike up to 1.2million, you have to look at the previous months sales to get an average of what PS3 software was selling, I'll save you the trouble, it was 920k average per week for August, a month where Madden 10 also launched. So in actual fact the real increase is from around 1m (average sales plus the expected sales drop for Batman-AA) to 1.44 million sales. So even with the guestimated 30% existing PS3 owner Slim purchases, you still have a big increase in game sales, which lines up with the increase in HW sales.

Also riding in the mix, is VGChartz SW tracking accuracy, which despite their best efforts, is often out by up to 50% some months. So these numbers we have can't entirely be relied upon for anything other than long term sales totals, after all SW figures get adjusted all the time, its bloody hard to track.

Atma998, what is your agenda with this thread. Because you clearly have already made up your mind as to why SW sales haven't increased at the same rate that HW sales increased. So you ain't asking because you want to find out, you're asking so you can argue with anyone that disagree's. All you have done is argued with whoever has suggested something other than 'all Slim sales are to existing owners' or the ol' chestnut 'ppl bought the slim for blu-ray only'.

Fact is, usual buying practise is for people to buy a new console and one maybe two games for it. Most of those people will continue to purchase games at a steady rate that reflects their enthusiasm for gaming and their set disposable income they chose to spend on gaming. Ergo, sales of PS3 SW will continue to SLOWLY increase as the console HW numbers increase. Expecting ppl that in previous weeks thought $399 was too expensive for a PS3 to suddenly have enough money to buy a $299 PS3 and every good game that has come out for it, is very unrealistic. Hence why SW sales haven't shot up to 2million.

First of all you totally forgot to talk about new game releases for this week (GH5 and Gundam) that helped SW sales to reach that 1.44M.

After that, you affirmed that VGChartz SW tracking is not accurate. Yeah sure, not accurate for Sony, but accurate for Nintendo and Microsoft.

Finally, you're blaming me for defending a completely valid point.

Sure! /thread /sarcasm too