Exblackman on 11 September 2009
theprof00 said: Hmm, ok then. I'll give it a shot. Nintendo makes about 8+ in licensing fees. about 15-20 goes to the retailers. So for a 50$ game, the devs make about 32+$ Then you need to factor in dev costs and so forth. it probably comes to about 6$ profit per game. I think most wii games require about 300-400k sales to turn profit, so that would mean they cost maybe 2-4M, high quality ones being the latter, or maybe about 6M or so. |
Well prof let me help with your analysis by giving some information. According to Nintendo the most expensive game made for the wii so far as before e3 2009 was Mario Galaxy for ~20 million dollars.
I love fighting games !!! Come on challenge me !