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1. Week before Slim comes out : I doubt the price cut will make a difference, there is no demand.

2. Announcement 76k sold in NA: You see, with most retailers selling it, it only outsold 360 by 1000.

3. Article predict over 100k in JAPAN: Crazy, that can never happen, 60k most it can sell, silly ps3fanboys.
4. Oh, boy 1000% increase in UK: Well, that's nothing, as you can see that's 3 months of pent up demand, and it's not really 1000?% if you compare it to other weeks.
5. ioi announce over 500k sold for week: Well, that was expected, let's wait for next week.
6. ioi announce 144k in NA : Well, that was expected, It's the first week
7. 150k PS3 Slim sold in japan: They all exciting PS3 owners
8. 550k sold for the Week : But they didn't buy software.

 Next Gen 

11/20/09 04:25 makingmusic476 Warning Other (Your avatar is borderline NSFW. Please keep it for as long as possible.)