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2. Xbox 360
3. NES
4. PS2
5. Xbox
6. Nintendo DS
6. Atari 2600
7. Game Boy
8. PS1
9. Genesis
10. Wii

This list is purely based on how much fun I've had with console X! Not which is most important or innovative etc.

As far as most important consoles of all time, it would go like this:

1. NES - Saved console gaming from the crash
2. 2600 - Put console gaming on the map to begin with
3. SNES - The controller really set the base for what contollers are to this day. Defined how we interface with games.
4. PS1 - Got CD gaming into the mainstream, really popularized 3D gaming.
5. Xbox - Harddrives in consoles, Xbox live.
6. Dreamcast - Online gaming, MS may never have had the idea for Live without this.
7. Game Boy - Games on the go? Preposterous! and brilliant!
8. PS2 - Brought so many new gamers into our fold.
9. Genesis - Has some great games in it's own right, gave Nintendo competition to push the industry forward.
10. Magnavox Odyssey - The original father of consoles.