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I'm not seeing much evidence from the PS3 fans that Natal won't work other than "where are the games?" or "it will be too expensive" or "who would want to play using a different control scheme than what we always used before?".

Where are the games? The bloody thing isn't supposed to release until next year... at the earliest. Give me a break.

As far as it being too expensive, how would anyone know, yet? Aren't these the same PS3 fans who slammed people against the wall for speculating on how expensive the PS3 might be before launch?

Who would want to play using a different control interface? What about no feedback. This is too funny, and the weakest argument of them all. Now everybody watch what happens in this next process:

1. I explain how silly the "no feedback/new control interface" argument is... the Wii uses a radically new control interface, and is selling more games and consoles this gen than the competitors. And moving your arm around to play tennis, bowling, Zelda, etc. seems to work well, provides no "feedback", and millions upon millions of consumers have bought into it.

2. PS3 fans will ignore item 1 of my post and focus on "other" subjects.

3. The same "no feedback/new control interface" argument will eventually pop up in another thread... as far away from my counter-argument as possible.

The above tactic is usually used by people who can't defend their position, but want to keep spreading FUD anyway in a vain attempt to change public perception regarding the object of their ire. I fully expect it to continue as there seems to be a lot of FUD spreading going on.