Enjoy your PS3 Slim and be sure to hunt game stores for the bargains.
Uncharted, MGS 4, Kill Zone 2, Little Big Planet, Resistance 2, Heavenly Sword, etc. can be found at very low prices in pre-owned games stores. Uncharted 2 wait for that game to become Platinum within 6 months and pick it up for $30.
Now the PS3 is a cheap price now at $299. We will see an increase in new game sales and pre-owned games. $200 pre-owned PS3 Slim's will soon become reality, awaiting for the PS3 Slim's to be traded in at the local game store.
I hate the feeling of paying $60 for a new game I can clock within 10 hours and there is little or no replay value. Batman:AA, I passed it within 10 hours on easy mode and I am stuck with it- no return policy. I believed in those marketing 90% game reviews, it was only an 80% game. Good rental but definitely not worth the full retail price.
New extra PS3 controller is around the same price of a new game. Heavy price to pay for a new controller. PS3 controller's main problem is it needs to be recharged after 25 hours of gameplay and it goes flat if you do not play the PS3 for a while.