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List Game Concepts that you believe are underused in the industry


Here's a few:(in my opinion)


Modern Day RPGs.

    For anyone who's played Earthbound knows how much fun a turn based battle is with a gang member in an arcade using a yo-you as a weapon and a baseball cap as armor. Earthbound was huge, Pokemon is modern and it's insanely huge. Yet 99% of all rpgs take place either in some medivel fantasy land or some bizarre mix of future and past. Which is all great and lovely but there is room for more modern day styled rpgs. Heck look at how well other modernday games do, like gta, it's simple people like running and messing around in a world similiar to their own. The closest thing I know of that we'll soon get is: It's a wonderful world(ds) (and Contact was sort of in this vein too)


    For anyone who's found a pay phone in the Secret of Monkey Island and used it to call the Lucasarts helpline, and had them hang up on you when they realized you were calling from inside the game knows how legendary a joke can be in a game. Yet why has humor pretty much became an outdated relic of old advneture games? Sure there is a few games like Super Paper Mario that turned a boss battle into a game show and things like that. But there is still too many games particularly rpgs where you talk to alot of people and they are all insanely boring and overly focused on mentioning something plot based. God forbid you say something unrelated to the plot! Make me LAUGH!!!! I don't do it enough while gaming.

Cheat Codes.

Why are so many game developers above cheat codes? You don't have to use them if you don't want. Also if they wanted to they could design cheats to only work AFTER you beat the game. Either way in the age of AI I'm getting tired of having to hide in the corner of every room slowly picking off guys. A cheat that allowed me to barrel through the room with infinite ammo and all weapons is a great deal of fun. And even for people that like to beat the game honestly, can still use the cheats to have some fun. And for people that don't have time to keep replaying a board till they beat it would have a chance to get past a board they are having a hard time with. I've honestly not bought games simply because there was no cheat, because I knew they'd be hard and I seriously didn't want to waste money on a game I'd get stuck on halfway through. I also think people who want games to be harder should want cheat codes too, it's because of no cheats that game developers feel forced to ease the difficulty of the gameplay simply to make the game beatable for everyone. I say make it harder, and give me cheats.


Okay I'm done ranting, now it's your turn!!!