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ugh I am tired of this religious crud. why is it that religious people always seem to look down on atheists because they have nothing to look for, while all i hear from Christians and other religions is that "we are sinners, no one is good, you're going to hell." that doesn't sound like a fun life to live. I don't want to live a life following a book that only seems to put you down and tell you how utterly pathetic and doomed you are.

i don't know if I am good person or not, but I sure as hell won't base it on this test. I'm gonna live my life how I see fit and i don't people like you telling me I need to turn to Jesus or w/e the hell else. Here is a nice quote for btw:

"I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours."
- Stephen Roberts