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JerCotter7 said:
Wow zen. Most games look better on xbox360? They all look the same right now. When the ps3 came out they multi plats were better on 360 yeah. But now they look pretty much the same on both consoles. And I won't comment about 360 exclusives since I don't really know of any that have great graphics. Don't like gears 2. Looks pretty much the same as gears and UT3. God I loved gears. Even with all its bugs that game with split screen online was the best.

Many people haven't played enough of Gears to see the improvements. It's alot ahead of Gears 1. The underground cave was amazing as was the beast chase gameplay. I'm not saying one console is ahead of the other. But Gears 2 is right behind KZ2. It's a damn good looking game.