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ZenfoldorVGI said:
Sweep said:
Aion said:
Yeah the 360 has graphics on par with ps3.

IMHO : "360 had graphics on par with PS3"

I think the tables are starting to turn, now that 3 rd party developpers are beginning to use the CELL to help the RSX

And while the Xenos is a bit superior to the RSX, I don't think it can't beat a CELL+RSX combo.

The only problem is that 3rd party games versions are build to match each other and can't use all the respective power of each console

Then how come most 3rd party games look worse on the PS3? -> This is why I stated "developpers are beginning to use". We can consider that both versions of actual 3rd party games are now on par for the majority of them. Also remember that a game needs time to be done and the new tricks used for PS3 programming (edge tools) have not been used until recently.

Are developers to blame? -> Some 3rd party developers have done a very good job with PS3 (Rockstar, Infinity Ward, Rocksteady...) while other devs simply haven't

Or Sony? -> Yes : They released a though console to program without enough support for 3rd party devs, fortunately this is corrected now

When you say "had" are you talking about the time before Killzone 2? -> Not exactly : Kilzone 2 is a 1st party game, they developped a great engine (and consumed a lot of money to create it btw...). But they set a milestone and the tricks they've used will be shared with other devs, just like Naughty Dogs is doing with their code. We will have to wait for Alan Wake to see if X360 can match all the effects you find in KZ2 (particles, lightning etc...)

What about Forza 3? Won't that game raise the console graphics bar when it's released before Uncharted 2, at least for a time? -> Well do you mean that FZ3 has the best graphics among 360 games ? IMO, No. The graphics for Forza 3 are a bit better than GT5 Prologue ones (especially the backgrounds) good but not spectacular. BTW Uncharted 2 is released october the 24th (same week as FZ3).

What multiplatform developers have succeeded on the PS3 in terms of graphical superiority? Any? I think of Rocksteady with Batman AA, Infinity Ward with COD4 (PS3 as good as X360) D3 Publisher (Dark Sector) etc... But once again : Multiplatform development goal is to have both versions on par. Can you imagine a 3rd party dev taking the risk to have a blatant superior version ?