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selnor said:
CrazyHorse said:
Hyams said:
I reckon it'll attract the same sort of 'expanded audience' that made the Wii a success. Natal is being targeted at people who are 'intimidated by a controller', after all.

So yeah, I expect it will drive up 360 sales.

I think this is the biggest problem Natal faces. The 'expanded audience' crowd you think it is targeted at (and I agree with you there) are not the type of crowd that I would expect to buy more than one console (certainly not in this short a time frame).

The question is whether those people see the adverts and see Natal as an upgrade. Or the next best motion thing. The casual audience  is easily adopted via marketing. They aren't the same as the hardcore market. And 360's price is already good. If the ads make Wii feel inferior and old, it can work to M$ favour.

Yes I agree with that. MS's aggressive advertising campaign will work to Natal's favour as will the fact that the media already seem to love it. A cheap 360 model with Natal as a bundle would do extremely well I feel but I do wonder how much cheaper MS could go if Natal was included (not that it's a bad price now). Another bonus for Natal is that is seems to have generated more buzz among the more 'core' gamer market than the Wii did.