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FF XIII is just like Tekken 6, its screenshots tend to look like crap...but it looks fantastic in motion. I honestly do beleive there might, probably will be, minor downgrades (less FMV cinematics, more in-game cinematics, no jap voice overs), but those are cosmetic and wont have serious effects on the final product. P.S. As far as power goes, despite similar specs I beleive the PS3 is more powerful than the 360. Why? KillZone 2, Ratchet and Clank (both of them), MGS4, Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm (360s Naruto games look last gen in comparison), GT5 etc etc thats why. Most multi plats are poorly optimised on the PS3, but in terms of exclusives (which understand and push hardware to max) PS3 dominates, they have the same specs but PS3 has better (yet more complicated) architecture. Ive heard the 360s GPU is "stronger" but it doesnt show...yet, maybe it will later on (doubt it). What I want however, is to see screens of V XIII ingame, comparing the graphical differences will say the least.

I predict that the Wii U will sell a total of 18 million units in its lifetime. 

The NX will be a 900p machine