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this is pretty huge news. Although from what I heard it has some sort of protection scheme making it not work on mod chips yet. Whether this is a difference with the demo kiosk version or whether it's a new copy protection scheme is yet to be seen, but apparently it's already been cracked but the updates are as of yet unavailable. I hope this update comes soon because theory is that even a legally purchased copy of Galaxy won't work on a modified console.

I don't think this will effect sales though. I can't see too many people downloading this that wouldn't have just downloaded it anyway. Breaking street date may convince a few people to download it (once the copy protection is cracked) but most either won't trust the release or will just wait the week or so until its release.

EDIT: although it's tempting, I don't think it's worth downloading this, if you have a modded Wii. There's no proof that this is the finished game, it could be an earlier version with bugs/differences/whatever. Better to be patient and wait for it to be released (there's plenty to play in the meantime). Anyway, I hope Nintendo learns from this and doesn't give full versions of games to stores for kiosks

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