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Taken from here :,_Plus_More_DS_Success


Originally Nintendo had confirmed that 270,000 units of the Nintendo DS Lite had been sold across South Korea in the first four months of its existence, but now Nintendo of Korea has revealed that the dual-screen portable has, in its time on sale between 18th January and 30th September, passed the 580,000 mark.

On top of this, with a strong line-up consisting of nintendogs, New Super Mario Bros., Brain Training and Super Mario 64 DS, plus clever marketing using famous faces from the Korean entertainment world, an impressive 1.2 million pieces of software have also been sold. With games like Kirby: Mouse Attack and Elite Beat Agents released very recently, the quality has not slowed down and Yoshi's Island is on the way next month, along with Animal Crossing in the near future.

But it is not just Nintendo releasing big games, as there are around forty independent Korean developers making games for the system right now, with the first ever fully-Korean developed DS game actually hitting the streets a few days ago (Chungjeon! Hanguginui Sangsingnyeok DS from Studio9, for those interested - a Korean-specific general knowledge quiz).

As for Wii, the console was set to launch in December, but due to massive demand around the rest of the world, Nintendo's Satoru Iwata has stated it has now been pushed back to early 2008 (with a Chinese launch also set for next year).


It seems that Nintendo will have a bright future in Korea too.

EDIT : I remeber that a famous korean MMORPG , Maple Story , is heading to Nintendo DS . 

 “In the entertainment business, there are only heaven and hell, and nothing in between and as soon as our customers bore of our products, we will crash.”  Hiroshi Yamauchi

TAG:  Like a Yamauchi pimp slap delivered by Il Maelstrom; serving it up with style.