At current price:
Japan --- XB360, no contest...
Others --- XB360 win 3 out of 17 weeks.
America --- XB360 win 7 out of 17 weeks.
Worldwide --- XB360 win 1 out of 17 weeks.
Japan sales will determine how far the gap between PS3 & XB360 sales WW.
If there's another XB360 price cut ($30-$50 less for both sku):
Japan --- XB360, still no contest...
Others --- XB360 win 5 out of 17 weeks.
America --- XB360 win 10 out of 17 weeks.
Worldwide --- XB360 win 4 out of 17 weeks.
December will determine XB360 sales up (especially in the US), as it being the cheapest HD console around.
If there's a 'surprise' PS3 price cut:
No contest at all!!! :D This one only for lol...
Conclusion --- PS3 (just bcause of the slim & the price) will outsell XB360 this holiday!! & nothing MS could do about that. Price cut is matter, but not much!!
The slim is just to 'BIG' this holiday imo...
Maybe next holiday MS???