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PS3 sales will increase a lot as PS3 slim + price cut takes effect. X360 also increase as Elite model had price cut and Halo ODST. Wii almost same. Wii Fit Plus will be huge but i dont think it will attract new customers. Most gamer who buy it already has Wii.

PS3 - 250k
X360 - 30k
Wii - 150k

PS3 - 450k
X360 - 380k
Wii - 400k

PS3 - 550k
X360 - 300k
Wii - 400k

PS3 - 1150k (PS3 slim launch and price cut)
X360 - 710k
Wii - 950k

I'm sure next month Wii will be on top back. PS3 might has sharp drop and same for X360.

PS3 - 750k
X360 - 700k
Wii - 1100k

PS3 will be above X360 for the rest of year like X360 last year after price cut. Wii still the king in 2009 but not as much as 2008.