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FishyJoe said:
You guys kind of scare me. I can't tell if you're being serious or not. I'd like to think you're just trying to be humorous, but sometimes you guys just seem mean spirited.

 Well, my point is, if it is in a city like NYC, or something, a crowd like that, isnt amazing. If it is in a residential area, they could seriously have 10,000+ people show up in a few hours... Just from the people who have kids within a few miles. It looks like alot of people are there, but seriously, there arent that many with their DS, it is known to be a Nintendo convention, so that means people come out in full force. I am not bashing nintendo or pokemon. I am just saying, that crowd doesnt look *all* that big to me. Looks relativly small actually.

PSN ID: Kwaad

I fly this flag in victory!