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rasone77 said:

My comment was totally to the point of your Nintendo bashing. I could give a care less about LBP or your question concerning it. If I wanted to answer that question I woud have.

Wouldn't it have been nice if you hadn't made those stupid fanboi coments, maybe then you wouldn't be hudled in a corner defending yourself, all while trying to get your question answered.

Mince words, you might get more accomplished.

I posted no nintendo bashing or any stupid fanboy commnets, i just posted the truth and it upseat a bunch of nintendo fanboys.

 My point was PS platform always had games that sold well from all generes from casual types to very nich or hardcore, nintendo consoles have not and that just the truth of things.

There is not golden genre on a PS platform, there is no ohh only FPS or somehtignlike that. All games have traditionally done well on a PS platform, regardless of what genre they are or what audience they are aiming for. 

Thinking PS3 in not the right platform for LBP is said out of ingnorance or jealousy, i doubt Reggie got where he is by being dumb.