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rasone77 said:
EnosStory said:
How about a intelligent rebuttal and not stupid fanboy attacks ?

Why wouldnt LBP belong on the platform its on ? especially with PS3 being the most open online console that being a huge part of LBP.

So you people think GC or N64 had as diverse line up of commercially successful games as PS2 or PS1 ?


Oh you mean like the intelligent rebuttal you came up with....

Notice I never mentioned the Gamecube, however, N64 has more top ranking games of all time than the PSone or PS2 combined! That said, I really don't think shovelware should be considered diverse or commercially successful for the same reasons you guys blast the Wii for having large amounts of it.

Besides, Nintendo has almost 4 decades of expierience making software and almost 3 decades of expireince making consoles. For you to blatently ignore some of the greatest games of all time (which came right out of their own develoment house) shows your ignorance (Read: ignoreance) about the history of video games.

Nintendo has never had to rely on third parties to make them software that sells. Sony has had no choice but to rely on them and that's what's killing the PS3. If they had the IPs that Nintendo has they could concieveably survive two hardware launches that weren't number 1. If they don't get their heads out of their ass when the build the PS4 then I don't se a PS5 coming out.

 You call that intelligent rebuttal but to what, its totally of point.

Why would PS3 be NOT the right platform for LBP ? with previous PS consoles having games af all generes be commercially successful form hardcoe to casual from racer to rpgs.