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Yesterday it was lol ps3 could not even outsell 360 in Americas even though its not fully released. Today it's not now that matters its 8 months from now. Be happy for the industry, this is great news. Competition from Sony means YOU will get a better gaming experience on your own consoles (not that you shouldn't have all of them now.) It's about time they started doing things right, have a little heart for the people who brought you the PS and PS2! :)

I expect year over year PSP is going to EXPLODE. The amount of core games for the PSP this year and next far exceeds any other gaming console. Sony is really putting the pedal to the floor on the PSP, more so than the ps3.

I expect next week PS3 numbers will be very similar or higher. However, remember this: PS3 does not need to out sell the 360 in NA, it just needs to be competitive. If it is close in NA for the rest of the year, it will always way outsell in japan for now on, and it should gain ground in others with Holiday sales booming very high because the pent up desire for a PS3 slim will most surely be highest in the holiday seasons.