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Everyone is entiltled to their own opinion.

@nanaki: You might have no need for these features but a whole lot of people do. Obviously MS thinks the same (in terms of wi-fi) that's why they sell the wi-fi peripheral. If MS thought everyone was like you they wouldn't have realeased that add-on.

At least with PS3 there is that option. Both sides covered.

Any reasonable person not blinded by any fanboyism looking for a first HD console (therefore not influenced by any exclusives) and has $299 to spend will no doubt consider the PS3 the best bang for his/her buck, especially with free online.

Other options like controller design, is it noisy, it wouldn't look good in my living room, netflix etc., is entirely up to the buyer and he/she can choose the x360.

Stuff like netflix or some similar service can easily be added to PS3 by Sony whenever they want.

Stuff like Blu-ray is unlikely to ever be on the x360.

As for netflix and all that other stuff the humble wii has none of this yet has literally murdered the competition. There is a lesson there.