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The only market left is that of the ''cheap-gamers'', the ones that are still on their PS2s. I don't know the background of that market, for all we know they are shooter fans with a lowe budget and they will switch to PS3. On top of that we shouldnt underestimate the full body controllers of the HD-twins. With the right promotion they could take over the Wii. For those who already have a Wii it might be too soon but lastgen PS2 sold 120-140 units so there are enough gamers left to get to this gen. Nothing is set in stone, including the Wii's victory. OFcourse it has already a huge advantage so I won't deny that it has very good odds to win this generation. 50% marketshare is a possibility if the Wii drops it's price now, if they wait too late and Natal is widely known then who knows how it will play out.