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Wow I never knew that a thread about a blu-ray playing good become such a troll fest, and filled with immature posts that it overshadows that of the regular gaming forums. First and foremost, the OP doesn't need to explain himself. He said no PS3 and that means NO PS3. There isn't anything wrong with wanting something that is dedicated solely to one purpose. What you should do as somebody who is posting their opinion, is to respect that of the OPs. I could see if you said something along the lines of, " I personally think the PS3 would be the best option regardless, but I can help you if you strictly want a standalone player" rather than what I've been seeing, " You're stupid, there is no reason other than fanboyism that you wouldn't want a PS3." It is pretty sad that I even need to mention how horrible this thread is becoming. The OP didn't do anything wrong. He even specified in the OP that he doesn't want a PS3.