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Well i posted the views of the 40G PS3 two weeks ago from Gamecentral....and i though i might continue posting the wekkend "hot topic"
This weekend it's all about game advertising and box-art and how much they convince you to buy a game.

So,... here are some peoples responses to that topic.


"Although I was always going to buy it anyway the Halo 3 "Beleive" advertising campaign was very well done. The most affecting is the series in the museum with the veterans, reducing the games to a human perspective is very touching. The guy who doesn't want to touch the Brute weapon, the marine stuck in the dark woods, waiting for the chief to save him, brilliant.
Plus the short films by Neil Blomkamp also add something to the whole "Myth of the chief". "


"The only advertisement or marketing campaign that really sticks in my mind was the Command & Conquer billboard one with all thedictators' heads but with an empty space for you, coupled with that magazine ad with the road full of destroyed vehicles. It gained some notoriety at the time.
As far as box art goes I preferred the painting/illustration rat of the SNES boxes (although I'm not sure if that was because they were on actual cardboard boxes)."


"The best video game TV advert I've ever seen has to be the Gears of War ad with the Gary Jules "Mad World" song in the background. To see the words "graphics representative of in-game" was such a refreshing change at that time."


"Ordinarily, ads never have a positive or negative effect on me. Though if the game in question is half decent and the ad is for a hefty price reduction..."


"What i don't understand is why video game ads are never made like a cinema trailer with just in-game footage? Why do they always have to have some stupid gimmick or live action sequence?
Graphics are good enough nowadays so what's the problem? I think marketing agencies don't understand games."


"The TV ad for the early PS one game Fade To Black. What a looker, I can still see those light beams from those teleports. Good times."


"I have to give kudos to Nintendo for actually showing games in their ads and capturing the greatest demographic by backing Channel 4 comedy. Sony actually seem embarrassed to show their console plays video games. "This is living", what is living? Looking at a black box?"


"I'm not sure i can remember any game ad really. It's the previews and reviews that have an effect not some stupid ad, always aimed at teenagers."


"I think the ads on TV for  Zelda: Phantom Hourglass were the only persuasion needed to buy it, and the game (though i'd never played Zelda before) is, no pun intended, legendary."


"Worst ad campaign prize will only ever go to Sega and the stunning Dreamcast. Spend £17m sponsoring Arsenal and don't ever show your games in ads. Duh."


"The mighty Tekken 2 ad featuring Yoshimitsu at the end introduced me to a beautiful post-Amiga gaming world. I made my parents get it for Xmas. But Gears of War and Halo 3 have elevated game ads to a genuine art form."


"I liked that old Dreamcast ad that promoted the fact you could play other people in Europe. If i remember it got banned for promoting racial stereotypes. Sega seem to have even worse luck with ads than Nintendo."


There were more because it is done in two parts but i think i missed them (unless they update and show part 1 again later on)

Thoughts/comments on these quotes? or add any American/other country adverts/boxarts that are worth a mention for being really good/bad.
I think there may have been an overdose of Halo/GoW ads being great myself, i mean both were good ads, and worth a mention in terms of video ame ads (which are usually poor) but it's probably just due to this topic coming so soon after Halo 3 that they are mentioned (GoW is generally mentioned with Halo 3 now)