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sguy78 said:

Why are you still posting here? I don't have to give any reasons why I don't want the PS3. That is not what the thread is about. It is about standalone blu ray players. Get lost.

I'm still posting here because I can. You right, you don't HAVE to give any reasons, but the fact that you won't is pretty telling about what the purpose of your thread is. And this thread isn't about standalone bluray players. You might've wanted it to be, but it isn't. It's about the best value/quality blu ray player in the 500 dollar range. There's no such thing. It doesn't exist. Why? Because for 300 dollars you can get a ps3, which, according to your criteria (value/quality), is the best blu-ray player out there. Anything in the 500 dollar range does NOT meet your criteria, because it's a ripoff, therefore not matching your value/quality criteria.


1) Close the topic and create a new one with a better title

2) Stop being a fanboy


I suggest both personally, but just one would work.

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