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Liquidlynch13 said:
sguy78 said:
dtewi said:
sguy78 said:
dtewi said:
Do you want super mega high end ultra mega realistic special awesome graphics? Then, buy a super special expensive Blu-Ray player.

If you want a bigger bang for your buck that includes other multimedia options and video games along with a decent blu-ray player, get a PS3.

What can you buy with the other two hundred dollars left over? A lot of movies? A few video games? A few video games for the PS3? Honestly, you're just stubborn about the PS3 and you're blind to all of its other qualities. It is CHEAPER which you can buy MOVIES with. A Blu-Ray player doesn't have internet, music, VIDEO GAMES, etc.

The PS3 is a superb multimedia device and you get a much better electronic by buying it.

What part of this is not a PS3 thread did you not get? Your post is pointless in this thread.

Oi, you're so stubborn. What is the problem with the PS3? Give me three good reasons as to why you won't buy it.

Stop derailing this thread. It has nothing to do with the PS3.

you made it have everything to do with the ps3 with your original post.

now please, list three legitimate reasons as to why you won't buy it. 

Why are you still posting here? I don't have to give any reasons why I don't want the PS3. That is not what the thread is about. It is about standalone blu ray players. Get lost.