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TheRealMafoo said:
Can someone please lock this flame bait thread? We have given him many options that are not PS3's, and he has yet to respond to any of them. He is just waiting for someone, on a gaming forum, to suggest a PS3 when it's the obvious choice, for the purposes of inciting an argument about the PS3.

Why don't you stop posting here? At no point have I ever said anything disparaging about the PS3. I have gone over some of the suggestions. You seem to have an inability to respond without mentioning the PS3, when I specifically said I was not considering it as an option, as I am only interested in a standalone blu ray player. So, stop derailing the thread like a Sony fanboy. I asked the question in the off topic thread, not the Sony thread. I specifically asked what standalone player not including the PS3 is the best on the market. The answer I am N-O-T looking for therefor is the PS3. What part of that do you not understand? If you want to talk about the PS3 as a blu ray player, go make a thread about the PS3 as the greatest blu ray player the world will ever see, and leave this thread alone.