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How does one determine numbers of systems anyway?

Shipped? Sold? and do not forget the replacements.

I started a thread about the products that sony makes as being defective(lets not get into that on this thread)I replaced my psone and my ps 2.

Now I seen a thread that said Best buy and other retailers are counting returned defected systems a new sale when they are exchanged. I seen another thread and today talking about ps 2 doing great in sales(how many of these are same ps2 owners). On the former thread about sony/defects there were a lot of people on here that had replaced their ps2 at least once or twice.

My question is, If that many ps2's are replaced(out of warranty because an individual has a library)and that many xbox 360's were infated to show they had well over 10 million, then what are the real numbers????

We know nintendo is more than likely dead on, especially with manufacturing.