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Kantor said:
makingmusic476 said:
RolStoppable said:
makingmusic476 said:
theRepublic said:

That video Jaffe posted is awful. Let's go through a few of the logical fallacies.

If the only reason you are playing games is that you want to be able to resell them, you should stop playing games.
No one plays games so they can resell them. They play games for fun, or story, or relaxation, or to hang out with friends, etc. They resell games so that they can buy new games to play. If people felt that a game was worth what they paid for it, they would not sell it to try and recoup their investment.

Personally, I think that if a cheaper option wasn't available to play games, we would see the consumer pool shrink.  That would be terrible for the industry.

To better understand that first quote, you should read the initial conversation that started all of this. Basically, the other guy said he wouldn't have bought God of War if he hadn't had the option to resell it later.  Jaffe's response was that if you'd only buy a game knowing you'd be able to resell it later, you shouldn't be playing games, as you obviously care more about the option to get rid of the game more than the substance of the game

The ability to resell a game works as a safety net for the consumer, if he didn't like what he bought. That way he can get at least some of his money back, in case the game doesn't live up to his expectations which easily happens with hyped games among the gaming community.

I assume the other guy has been burnt by hyped games before, so it would be understandable if he would only buy it, if he had also the ability to resell it in case he didn't like it. Another point that could be made is that the money a consumer gets from reselling most of the time goes straight back into a new game. So if you take away the ability to resell games from consumers, there will be less games sold as a result, because there's less disposable money.

But that's when GameStop enters the picture, grabs you by the neck, and rips out your soul!

They convince you to get the Edge card when you trade in games, because this gets you an extra 10% credit on whatever you trade in.  However, this card also SAVES you 10% on anything used you buy!  That's when customers start avoiding buying anything new.  Suddenly they're trapped in this viscious cycle of buying used games then trading them back in, all to get the most out of their card!

That's awful!

Why the hell would anybody want to work in that place? Can you imagine if someone on this site worked there? If you do find someone, give him a piece of your mind!

The problem is that it is awful once you work there and see whats going on around you. We just can not change what they do. No one store can ever effect what the corparation does. I have worked there for a little over a year now. The problem is that every single person at my store is a hardcore super video game fanatatic. We love our games, all games, and we love our customers for giving us a job. We see the problem that has been in this post we have see them in every single post about gamestop in every single message board. There is not a single fucking thing any of us can do. The only person that has a chance to even sugjest a change is the District or Area Suppervisor, but those people are souless corprate gread demons with no real knowlage of what is happening around them. Ok not ALL DMs are demons but mine is. :D YAY 

Anyways getting back to the point. We hear every single complaint, every comment, every diss, every word about the hate for Gamestop, and for the policys. There is just nuthing we can do, and at least for me it hurts and IM SORRY! My store does the best we can to bend rules, be helpfull, and understand the customers. We actually fucking try unlike most Gamestops! Its a shame really, maybe if more employes understood there customers, and more customers understood the employes we whould never have these disscusions. I understand the frustration of $5 bucks of a almost new game, and we only payed maybe $30 total if that in trade. We need people to understand that not only is it garenteed to work or you get a new copy and we have to lose money because we took it back, but you buying that used copy is the ONLY reason we are in business or we have a job. We only get $5 on new games and systems as profit... THATS BULL SHIT!! No company could every stay in business if all they made was that little of profit. Well unless we sold the games from the back of someones car.. ROFL.

My point is please try and understand your local employes at gamestop, we are just trying to make a living doing something we LOVE! Maybe you can help all of us understand what small things we can do for you. Slowly the company might change to help support growth, instead of making the customers feel like just $$.

"Leap ignorantly to the defense of wealthy game company’s, who don't know or care about you!"