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Gnizmo said:
Avinash_Tyagi said:

Actually i responded to your post already, but I lknow readng is hard fo you.


Also it wouldn't cripple new games sales, it would cripple used game sales, new games would still be bought, but people would hold onto their games

You typed a bunch of words after my post, but you did not respond to it. You addressed nothing I said.

There are X number of hours per day one can game in. If all video game are infinitely replayable then after so many games are bought X is filled permanently. If new games come in and knock old ones off then they are not being played, and thus are more valuable in the form of cash to buy the new games you are using to fill time X. Holding onto a game just to say you have it is something for collectors to do, and they are not close to the majority of the population.

Actually I addressed everything you said, as I pointed out why people sell their games, because of how its value has diminished, you just didn't like how it disproved your argument.

Ah but you see that makes some false assumptions, first you assume that the number of people playing games would not grow, since as we've seen the majority of the world's population does not game, even if the number of games each person bought was reduced, games with wider appeal and eternal replayability, would draw in much larger audiences, more than making up for sales, secondly you assume that people will play the same games every day, even games with high replayability do not get played everyday, so bringing in new games would only result in the older games being played more sporadically, people would still play them but just not as often, a few times a month or a year, like with books and movies, I have books that I have owned for many years, and maybe read once every couple of years over, but I still buy new ones, in addition game consoles tend to be updated, so older consoles tend to get played less, I play my old nes games every now and then.  Collectors are different than people who keep something around becuase they like it and know that they will use it again, I am not a movie collector, but I have a bucn of old movies that I like that I keep around becauser I know that there will probably come a day that I want to watch them again, because I loved them the first time and know i'll enjoy seeing them again.


Predictions:Sales of Wii Fit will surpass the combined sales of the Grand Theft Auto franchiseLifetime sales of Wii will surpass the combined sales of the entire Playstation family of consoles by 12/31/2015 Wii hardware sales will surpass the total hardware sales of the PS2 by 12/31/2010 Wii will have 50% marketshare or more by the end of 2008 (I was wrong!!  It was a little over 48% only)Wii will surpass 45 Million in lifetime sales by the end of 2008 (I was wrong!!  Nintendo Financials showed it fell slightly short of 45 million shipped by end of 2008)Wii will surpass 80 Million in lifetime sales by the end of 2009 (I was wrong!! Wii didn't even get to 70 Million)