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First of all, I dont know how x-box live is, becuase I dont ever plan on getting it. I'm gonna stick with the PS3 for online... and safe a few bucks.


But in motorstorm, you can host a game that only your friends can join. So in a way that would function like the 'Friend Codes'.

I just dont see the point in mandatory Friend Codes, and as long as they do stuff like that, they will keep the kiddie image, because they are protecting Kiddies. 


Adge : As a parent with young children friends code are a godsend, I know who they are playing against and I'm much more likely to endorse on-line gaming.

Nintendo have it right, friends codes avoid the x-box live situation with those idiots.

This is exactly why I say nintendo is for kids. Most people beleive that as well, and buy it for their kids.

PSN ID: Kwaad

I fly this flag in victory!