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I just got it a week ago as a Platinum Hit. I've already played it through twice and I'm on my third play through. It's quite a good game. A tad short, but there's a lot to like. Even though I normally don't care about collecting every single thing in a game and all that stuff, I like the gameplay enough to want to play through it multiple times. So far it's my favourite game on the PS3. Granted I haven't played too many PS3 games.

So far I've only played Resistance 1, MGS , Resistance 2, LBP, Killzone 2, and Uncharted (in that order). Anyone have any others they'd like to recommend? I want more use out of my PS3. It's a great machine. I play multiplats on my PC or 360 (controller preference mostly) so I'm looking mainly at exclusives. I want to play R&C but I still haven't found a good deal on it.