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oh, johnlucas. When you say "online" to someone that means internet, not LAN. And "LAN" to people just means that the computers are connected together. They don't have to connect to the internet.  Regardless, Nintendo did not make either popular.

You can tell me that Nintendo tried to do some type of connection, and it may have been on the internet, but they are not the ones that get credit for the concept. It's not like Sega copied them. It's not like Microsoft or Sony copied that concept. PC gaming started all of that. If you want to research who actually started it then by all means tell me. The link that was posted about Nintendo's devices were not decades ago, they were early 90s and on. Thats a decade and a half if you want to stretch it out. Still, Sega, Sony, and Microsoft were the ones that pioneered onling console gaming, not Nintendo. Maybe they tried and gave up, but that doesn't get credit with me.

Nintendo created the NES controller that had a D-pad instead of a joystick. An analog stick is just a joystick for the thumb, so it wasn't a stretch to have an analog stick. I am not taking their credit away, like I said before. I merely said that the N64 controller itself was a monstrosity. Sony improved upon every aspect of that controller and included 2 analogs which changed the way a lot of games were played. So both deserve credit, just like Sega and Microsoft deserve credit for online gaming along with Sony.

I do not think that Nintendo deserves all the credit for the videogame industry, especially in the last 10+ years. That's all I'm trying to say here. Just because they are making this ridiculous comeback does not mean they were the cause of the expansion in the last 10 years.

If you'd like I can expand my wish: I wish Nintendo developed games and controllers for Sony hardware. I just said games before but I'll throw in controllers, as long as Sony can redesign them. If that dream of mine came true I'd only have to buy 1 console instead of 2. Then I'd have my PC for all the shooters and Bioware RPGs I miss out on.

Nintendo does a lot of great things but it just scares me how worshiped they are, especially after the last 10 years. I hated both of those controllers (N64 and Gamecube...why is symmetrical bad?) and the N64's hardware was too limited.