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fmc and Kasz,

Both of your arguments are similar so I'll address them simultaneously.  The thread creator seemed confused on religion and even history of the time in general, so I posted a simple, but not so known fact, about the Islamic view of Jesus to give him a better understanding of the subject.  It goes without saying that your historical view of Jesus is correct.

In regards to religious opinion, I could have said, Jesus didnt exist, or that was a Jew but he wasn't a Muslim because Mohammed is a false prophet, or that Jesus is the Son of God and directed him to a few Bible verses.  But in my view that would be inappropriate, and I see nothing wrong with telling him what I did.  That actually Jesus is considered both, depending on who you ask.

I'll let him make his own decision on who is right.



To be honest, I am not that familiar with what Jews think of Jesus.  I do know that they consider the Christian idea of Jesus as fraudulent, so I went from there.  Incorrect?  Yes, but as a Westerner when someone says Jesus I automatically think of the Christian Jesus.