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MontanaHatchet said:
themanwithnoname said:
MontanaHatchet said:
Jereel Hunter said:
Dgc1808 said:
I'm not buying the sequal if I can't get the original...

Actually.... No.... I'm not buying either unless they both come on the same disc together.

Have fun not playing the greatest new IP of this generation.

Lolwut? That's not even accurate from a Metacritic standard. Mass Effect is good, but highly overrated (like most RPGs this gen).

A) Why does he have to have Metacritic agree with his opinion?

B) You're countering his opinion with your own opinion, which doesn't make it any more true.

The opinion of most people would definitely disagree with that. Ask owners of any console, the majority would agree that Mass Effect is far from the greatest new IP this generation. So if you wanted to resort to Metacritic ratings and reviews, it still wouldn't be true.

And I'm allowed to give my opinion as well.

Really? The fact is there is hardly anyone qualified to make such a statement, considering that they would have to own all three consoles and have to have played all major new IPs. Obviously, if you only own a Wii or a PS3, you would disagree. The game has a 91 rating on Metacritic for "universal acclaim" so stop acting like it's so farfetched for him to make that statement. Just because you don't think it's the best, doesn't mean everyone else shares your opinion. I'm sure many people would argue that Mass Effect is the greatest game this generation, nevermind IP (heck, I think it's the best game on the 360, but that's just me). They're all great games, so I don't get why we're acting like Mass Effect isn't a true AAA title.


EDIT: IGN said it was the best game on the 360 last year as well

themanwithnoname's law: As an America's sales or NPD thread grows longer, the probabilty of the comment "America = World" [sarcasticly] being made approaches 1.