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Nintendo is well know for selling everything they shelve. Nintendo's consoles have been nutorious for being out of stock. With Halo3 out Gamasutra asked public relations head of Nintendo Eric Walter about whether the Nintendo Wii would continue to outsell X-360.

Eric's response was "I can say that the Wii and the DS are the two number-one selling consoles right now, and we're excited about that. We can't keep them on the shelves! I mean, typically it's about a day or two that they stay on the shelves, and we've upped production, and we're trying to get as many out to the shelves as we can. It's literally a demand issue, and we're going to ship 16.5 million this fiscal year, so it's certainly not a small amount! "

So firstly can Nintendo actually manage to ship another 3 million units this fall. I know Christmas is huge and that if Nintendo plays their cards right they should have no problem selling those units. Is 3-million enough for Christmas though considering on a global scale I'd say 3-million is barely enough for North America alone.

I myself think in order for the Wii to be readily availible on shelves accross the globe they would need to ship at least 5-million units but most likely they would remain out of stock. I think 5-million for North America would be enough to meet demand this fall and maybe 3 million for Europe and 2.5 million units for Japan. I'm talking nearly 10-million units.

 How many units do you think Nintendo would have to ship to satisfy Christmas and demand. Also isn't Eric being a little pessimistic he doesn't come out and say were gonna kick the crap out of Microsoft instead he just says their going to ship 16-million units by the end of the year and that all that should ship. What is your take on Nintendo's Wii's holiday performance is 3-million anywhere close to enough?


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